Introduction to The Crack Between the Worlds

Introduction to The Crack Between the Worlds

Monday, February 1, 2021

Heart, Spirit and Solitude

HEART, SPIRIT AND SOLITUDE - The Warrior's Discipline Part 3

The Warrior's Discipline Part 1

The Warrior's Discipline Part 2

The Warrior's Discipline Part 3

The Warrior's Discipline Part 4

The Warrior's Discipline Part 5

I have the intimate conviction that a human being has an energetic frame designed to last united for millions of years. In other words, our natural and individual life-span is that of several million years of evolving awareness. To a warrior, the suggestion of human life as a fistful of decades of suffering and decay is an aberration. Fighting the forces that siege us means going back to our true nature. It's the way back home. Sorcery is not alien knowledge, rituals, strange practices. Life as we know it is, ironically and precisely, alien knowledge, rituals and strange practices.

Our mind is not ours; our routines are empty rituals designed to drain us of all our resources, and our ways of dealing with the world are, consequently, based upon the strangest practices. The heart is, simply and plainly, our connection with intent, the binding force that relates everything in the universe. Sorcerers also call this force Spirit. It is only natural that if we become aware of what we should have been aware in the first place, if those alien forces hadn't seized us; we will access our true nature and rightful knowledge. This is to say, if I become conscious of the very force that binds and relates everything together, I will know everything. I will always be at the right place at the right time. Why shouldn't I? Self-destruction only operates within the limits of the conspiracy of fear and pain. 

So, if all that takes is the unceasing use of our true nature, of our heart, to access total knowledge and freedom, why the hell don't we do it? Why do we stop and stumble once and once again? Yes, the forces that keep us under siege certainly don't give up. But this explains nothing, since its predatory nature is but the foundation of the conspiracy. They are not going away if we call them names or curse them. It is the conspiracy in itself that must be attacked. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. As humans subscribed to the social order, we are those forces' accomplices. All of us are sick, remember? So, every sick person is an accomplice. Complicity will be measured by the intensity of the person's disease. 

A warrior on the other hand, is basically, someone involved in a true healing process. The dementia of the social order's disease tends to diminish in a warrior. He or she has reversed the inertia of events, the direction of his/her life. Sorcerers refer to this as "facing a new direction", facing time as it comes towards us, not as it goes away.

We are forced by the social order to behave in a certain manner and following certain patterns. Many of these patterns are just too strong for us to break. The point is to find the weakest link, a pattern that we can disassemble with the minimum possible effort. This is not laziness. Death is extremely, terrifyingly quick. So, a warrior must be very quick too if he/she wants to regain completeness before death gets him or her. 

Humanity is a feeling. It is imperative to understand this. Humanity is an idea, a sentiment, something-in-itself. It is a conviction that each one of us treasures, and which could be referred to with these words: "We are together, I belong with you". It is the compulsive necessity of worshiping the human inventory in order to feel like a part of something bigger than oneself, of a confraternity. This feeling, this compulsive need to belong is incredibly strong. It is not just a thought, but also an energetic phenomenon in itself of the most devastating force. This feeling is the social order. It is so powerful that we are ready to sacrifice anything, absolutely anything, to keep it going. In fact, we as a race are submitted to terrible pain every day in our blind effort to perpetuate this state of things. And when pain goes too far in an individual, we put him in a hospital, bury him, forget him as a being who died, and keep going. The human capability for suffering is both astounding and disgusting. 

However, this is the weakest link. And it is so because, even if we cannot escape the inventory of the social order, we can indeed escape the need to worship it. This worshiping represents our main energetic leak, the one that will eventually kill us, the one that keeps us in a perpetual slumber of saddening and unnecessary pain; the one that deprives us of our natural legacy: the awareness of those who navigate infinity. The antidote is, of course, the opposed feeling. We must breed a sense of loneliness, of not belonging, of solitude. To face infinity, you must turn your back on the social order, on your human fellowship. It is almost funny, a terrible irony that we refuse to do this in order to honor a sense of belonging, to avoid betrayal. And, in doing it, we betray the only possible thing that results honorable for a conscious being, the claim of his/her natural awareness. We betray our fellow humans in the very act of trying not to betray them, in betraying ourselves. 

Only from solitude does the heart operate. The warrior's discipline is solitude, because solitude is necessary in order to become aware of the binding force that holds the universe together. Solitude is not the goal, but the means to an end. And at the end, our rightful legacy, our nature, lies up there, in the sky. And the goal is awe, awe before infinity, before the unfathomable mystery. Look at your fellow humans, at the social order, at yourself. And then look up. Man is the only creature that looks up, searching for what is beyond the stars. We lost it, but we can take it back. It's up to us. Did you look? Now, choose.

Here are the other posts in this thread: 

The Warrior's Discipline Part 1

The Warrior's Discipline Part 2

The Warrior's Discipline Part 3

The Warrior's Discipline Part 4

The Warrior's Discipline Part 5


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