Introduction to The Crack Between the Worlds

Introduction to The Crack Between the Worlds

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Lens Is The Self

When we trace all problems back to their single source, we find that the world appears dark and murky and unknowable not because it is, but because the lens through which it is projected and perceived is filthy.

The lens is self and the filth is personal history, self-importance and ego. Clean the lens with recapitulation and the world resolves into crystal clarity, and darkness and murkiness are forgotten as if they never were. (Eliminate the lens altogether and you’ve reached the totality of self, but then, ‘who’ is left to be the totality of self?)

That’s why any true and complete teaching can be fully expressed in a few words; wipe the lens, think for yourself, open your eyes, know thyself, ask Who Am I?

These are the first questions...

What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Where is this going? 

If you know, you’ll succeed. If you don’t, you won’t. 

That’s not just pretty talk, that’s the law.

All the world’s systems are dedicated to making the most of the least, but why make the most of darkness when we can just turn on the lights?


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